Does A Cross Trainer Tone Your Bum/Glutes & Stomache?

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Updated On November 27, 2022
Does A Cross Trainer Tone Your BumGlutes & Stomache

Can A Cross Trainer Help Tone My Bum?

Cross trainers are often one of the best exercise machines to choose from over other cardiovascular equipment's thanks to the fact they tone major muscle types in your body while your workout. 

Elliptical machines help with gluteal muscle activation to tone your bum especially when used on an incline and can also help with leg muscle tone during your workout routine.

To help you use your Elliptical machine's resistance more efficiently for your muscle workout goals we've made a small guide below which will cover how your glutes are activated while using a cross trainer, a glue toning workout to try out on your cross trainer as well as a guide to the other muscles your cross trainer works.

How Does a Cross Trainer Tone Your Glutes? 

Cross trainers work by pedalling back and forth on the elliptical trainer with your legs and some resistance which can usually be adjusted according to your fitness level. 

While you are pedalling gluteal muscles are activated as key muscles during the motion as you move back and forth, this can be heightened by pressing into your heels, pedalling backwards or increasing the resistance and incline of the machine. 

Our Top Glute Cross Trainer Workout 

For people who want a low-impact workout that directly trains your glutes on the elliptical exercise machine, you are in luck, because we've listed our best elliptical trainer workout below which will be sure to activate and tone your gluteal muscles.

  • 0-3 minutes - resistance 3.0 and incline 5.0.
  • 3-5 minutes - resistance 5.0 and incline 7.0.
  • 5-10 minutes - resistance 9.0 and incline 11.0.
  • 10-15 minutes - resistance 9.0 and incline 15.00.
  • 15-25 minutes - resistance 11.0 and incline 15.00.
  • 25-30 minutes - resistance 9.00 and incline 15.00.

If you are new to cross training and have no idea how long you should be on a cross trainer. Check this article to help you start your cross training journey.

What Other Muscles Does a Cross Trainer Tone? 

Not only do cross trainers work your gluteal muscles but they also help to build muscle strength in other areas of your body too. 

We've listed some of the other muscles activated during elliptical workouts below.

Lower Body 

Quadriceps & Hamstrings 

These muscles are located in the front and back of your thigh and are activated all the time during front and reverse motion on your trainer. Hamstrings are the largest muscle activated when your pedal backwards with your bum muscles.


Your gluteal muscles are always activated during your strides and you can activate them even more by sitting back at around 90-degrees to help activate your bum muscles. These along with your hamstring muscles are toned when pedalling backwards too.


Located at the back of your legs, your calves are often fired up during the pedalling motion on the cross-trainer.

Upper Body 

Biceps & Triceps 

Your biceps and triceps are constantly activated when your push the handlebars of your cross trainer back and forth at your workout pace.

Chest Muscles & Back Muscles 

The chest muscles are used when pushing on the ellipticals handlebars and the V-shape of your back muscles are also activated to maintain your posture.

Tips For Toning Your Glutes With a Cross Trainer 

Your gluteal muscles are naturally toned during a cross-trainer workout, but there are a few ways you can make this aerobic workout more beneficial to your glutes. 

We've listed some tips down below.

  • Check your feet - Make sure you are using all four corners of your feet with your body weight to help activate your glutes.
  • Maintain good posture - Try to make your posture better when cross-training, don't arch your back and try to push down with your tail bone.
  • Stretch and activate beforehand - Activating your side glute muscles and hip flexors beforehand with some resistance bands can help to get your muscles fired up so that you can feel them better while working out.

Final Words 

To conclude, a cross-trainer can defiantly help to tone your gluteal muscles with weekly workouts, you can tone your glutes more by making resistance adjustments to a higher level or by pedalling backwards on an incline to activate them.

You can check this article to know which muscle you are using with a cross trainer.


From personal trainer to home fitness guru, Christian discovered the ultimate workout hack: the cross trainer. Minimising risk while maximising results, he founded to elevate your at-home fitness game.

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