Are Cross Trainers Good For Bodybuilding?

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Updated On March 22, 2023

Can I Use a Cross Trainer While Bodybuilding? - Our Guide!

Everyone knows cross trainers are great for getting a cardiovascular workout in, but what about for building muscle too? Do this workout tool help with gym building muscle? 

Well, although cross trainers will not help you build muscles in your arms and legs as much as weights will, they can help tone your muscles and make them more defined by helping with fat loss. They can additionally help you tone your leg muscles. 

We have put together an informative guide below which will take you through which muscles your cross trainer and can help you tone, as well as some tips for bodybuilding with a cross-trainer below. 

Will a Cross Trainer Make Me Lose Weight? 

A cross trainer is a piece of cardio workout equipment and can make you lose weight if you combine these workouts with a calorie deficit. 

If you do not eat at a calorie deficit and exercise with an elliptical trainer workout then you will not lose weight. For example, a person with an average weight of around 150 pounds can burn 225 calories per half an hour of a workout on a cross-trainer at a low intensity, combined with eating at a deficit can result in weight loss with up to three sessions a week. 

This works out great if you are in the cutting process of your bodybuilding phase and want to lose weight, but if you are in the bulking process you want to ensure you are eating enough calories to avoid losing weight. 

Find out here if cross trainers are good for weightlifting.

Which Muscles Does a Cross Trainer Work? 

A cross train workout is extremely beneficial for your body as it is a full-body workout, allowing you to tone and strengthen numerous muscles at a time, from your leg muscles to your core muscles. 

We will list the main muscle groups a cross trainer can help you tone and strengthen below. 


During cross-training workouts, your hips are extended back and forth a lot which engages them and encourages growth. You can fire up your glutes and tone them by increasing the incline on your cross training workout to feel a bigger effect if needed, also try pedalling backwards. 


Hamstrings in leg muscles are consistently engaged throughout a cross trainer workout through extension and flexion. When you sit back on your cross trainer and dig into your heels you can work your hamstrings more and get a nice workout in for your legs. 

You can also try increasing the resistance or pedalling backwards.


When pressing down the pedals of your cross trainer it activates your quadricep muscles which helps you gain muscle strength over time. It is a great low impact exercise for a tired runner or an alternative workout for someone who has knee problems. 

Triceps & Chest 

Both your triceps and chest are put to work on a cross trainer when you use the handlebars on your machine. As you pedal forwards and backwards with the poles this is what keep them activated, although you will not grow muscle this way, it can still tone your arms.  


Even though cross trainers do not target your abdominal muscles in particular they can help strengthen your core. 

The best way to put your core to test on these machines is by letting go of the handlebars and forcing your core to balance itself. As you work out, you should also think about squeezing your abdominals in while moving on the machine for maximum core engagement. 


Your calves are located at the lower end of your leg muscles, they are activated when pedalling forwards and backwards and become toned along with the rest of your leg muscles. Especially when you increase the resistance and engage them even more.

It should be noted that a cross-trainer will not increase your calf size. You will need to do weight training for this. 


Raising your heart rate while doing a cross-trainer workout activates your heart and increase blood flow to your muscles. Cardiovascular is very important for your heart health.

If you are wondering if cross trainer can slim thighs, this article is what you are looking for!

Tips For Using a Cross Trainer When Cutting & Bulking 

If you are in the bulking phase of bodybuilding, you want to concentrate on growing your muscles, not losing them or losing weight in general. 

We have listed our best tips for using a cross-trainer when bodybuilding bulking below. 

  • Increase your calories - If you are bulking in your bodybuilding while using a cross-trainer you must increase your calories to see results. Doing cardio is important for your health but you also need to replace the calories you lose during this exercise. 
  • Do minimal - Keep your cross training light and do minimal sessions, this way you can avoid having to replace too many calories which you haven't eaten. 
  • Take rests - It is important to allow your muscles to recover if you want them to grow, taking rests after doing cardio is essential. Allow some breaks in between cross training sessions.
  • Watch the HIIT - If you plan to do high-intensity workouts on your cross trainer then keep this to around 15 minutes, short and sweet is the motto when bulking.
  • Do low intensity - Try doing 1 or 2 low-intensity cardio sessions a week if you struggle with your fitness. Remember to replace the calories that you burn, however. 

Tips For Cutting With a Cross Trainer 

Doing a cardio body workout with a cross trainer is important during the cutting phase of your bodybuilding, we've listed our top tips below to help you out. 

  • Eat protein - Eating a high protein diet when cutting is essential. Not only does this keep you fuller but it stops you from losing too much muscle as well which is key when cutting.
  • Stay hydrated - Drinking water is important for muscle repair and stops false hunger pangs too, avoid sugary drinks that give empty calories.
  • Do some HIIT - HIIT is an excellent way to burn fat fast when cutting without losing too much muscle mass, it can even help to pump up your muscles and make them more visible. 
  • Count your calories - When cutting you should be keeping track of your macros or calories. Tracking your macros allows you to ensure you are getting all the nutrients you need and stops you from overeating. 
  • Keep lifting weights - Lifting weights will stop your body from using your muscles as fuel and maintain them. This is what happens when you are in a calorie deficit over some time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cardio & Bodybuilding 

Will I lose muscle when using a cross trainer? 

No, as long as you eat enough calories a cross trainer will not make you lose muscle, a matter of fact it will only make your muscles stronger. 

What does cutting and bulking mean?

Bulking is a period of bodybuilding when you eat more calories to build muscle mass and strength, cutting is a period after where you have reached your muscle mass goal and you focus on getting rid of excess body fat while maintaining your muscle mass through weight training and cardio.

Are there any benefits to using a cross trainer? 

There are many positives about cross workouts, they are a low impact alternative workout for running, they tone your lower leg muscles, improve cardiovascular health and are a general mood booster. The elliptical-training machine is also one of the only machines which give you a total full-body workout!

Is a treadmill or cross trainer better? 

Cross trainers and treadmills both provide a good cardio workout as a stationary exercise machine, cross trainers are preferred over treadmills when it comes to working out leg muscles due to the resistance and are lower impact with a similar workout intensity. 

Treadmills are better for an intense workout or for people who want to practice running.

Will a cross trainer help me build muscle in my lower body? 

A cross trainer is great for your leg muscles, although it will not help you gain additional muscle it will tone and strengthen the leg muscles you already have such as your quadriceps muscles.

How long should I work out on a cross trainer for? 

This depends on your goal, for weight loss and cutting you might aim for 3-4 times a week, but for bulking 1-2 times a week for cardiovascular health might be more beneficial.

Last Words 

To conclude, a cross trainer is good for cardiovascular health and can help you maintain your fitness during bodybuilding. Always remember to avoid high impact workouts on your cross trainer and eat enough calories if you are looking to build muscle and vice versa if you want to cut fat. 


From personal trainer to home fitness guru, Christian discovered the ultimate workout hack: the cross trainer. Minimising risk while maximising results, he founded to elevate your at-home fitness game.

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