Home Exercise Bikes Vs Cross Trainers - Our Ultimate Guide!

If you are looking to invest in some home exercise equipment but your not sure where to start, you might be stuck between a home exercise bike or a cross-trainer. 

Home exercise bikes and cross trainers both have lots of similarities for a fuller body workout, exercise bikes tend to be suited for people who would like to improve their cardiovascular health while cross trainers are excellent for improving upper body health.

Home Exercise Bike Or Cross Trainer?

Down below in our guide, we will discuss the benefits of investing in a fitness machine, how exercise bikes and cross trainers compare and some important tips for using these types of exercise equipment. 

What Are The Benefits Of Investing In Home Exercise Equipment? 

Home types of exercise equipment do not come cheap, with a basic exercise bike costing you up to £500 and above, however, there is a wide range of benefits to investing in an exercise machine which makes it well worth the hefty price tag. 

We've listed some benefits of buying home gym equipment below.

Home Exercise Bikes Vs Cross Trainers - Which One Should I Use? 

If you are stuck between an exercise bike and a cross trainer, you might be wondering which machine would be more beneficial to you. 

To help you out, we've discussed both the notable differences and similarities of these machines down below as well as their key features so you can know exactly what you are getting.

Exercise Bikes 

Exercise bikes are an excellent choice for people who want to do cardio as regular exercise and like the feeling of cycling. This cardio exercise machine can have all the key benefits such as weight loss and improving heart health. 

They differ to cross trainers only in their position, due to their seated design, meaning this type of exercise machine will give you more of a lower-body workout than an upper body workout like a cross-trainer would. 



Cross Trainers 

Cross trainers are also a great choice of fitness equipment for a good cardio workout, but the benefits to these machines are that they work your entire body due to the arm handles which you swing in motion, so are the better choice over an exercise bike if you are looking to work your entire body.

Due to the way cross trainers are set up, they are also ideal for getting rid of pressure on leg joints making them a low impact exercise machine like exercise bikes.



Which Indoor Exercise Equipment Should I Buy?

Both an exercise bike and cross trainer are ideal if you're looking for forms of exercise which will improve cardiovascular health.

If your looking for and broader workout to use your whole body then we would suggest opting for a cross trainer, but for people who want a lower body workout, exercise bikes will work best. 

Is It Safe To Use A Cross Trainer Upstairs? 

If you've decided on a cross-trainer for your exercise indoors machine you might be wondering if it's possible to use the machine upstairs. 

It is perfectly safe to put a cross trainer or exercise bike upstairs, most houses will be able to support the weight of these machines without any issues, the only thing we would suggest is if you are concerned about the noise then place a rubber mat underneath the machine to help soundproof it.

Home Exercise Bike Or Cross Trainer?

Can I Use An Exercise Bike To Lose Weight?

An exercise bike can be used to lose weight, just like a cross trainer, any form of physical activity which gets your heart rate up can be used to burn calories. This combined with a healthy diet in a calorie cut will be able to speed up your weight loss.

We would recommend using an exercise bike for between 30 minutes to an hour each day if you want to lose weight, you can increase the duration and intensity as your fitness level improves.  

Can I Get A Two In One Cross Trainer & Exercise Bike?

If you are still stuck between a cross trainer and an exercise bike, you might have come across 2in1 models which allow you to do both exercise routines. 

Two in one cross-trainer and exercise bikes are a perfect choice if you want a complete body workout but like cycling sometimes. They are also great for people who don't want to put too much pressure on joints. 

The only considerable difference between buying these 2 in 1 model and buying the machines separately is that they might cost slightly more, but then you get two machines in one! 

Tips For Using An Exercise Bike

If you've decided to invest in exercise bikes and you are a beginner, you might be wondering how to use this machine and if there are any tips to doing so. 

We've listed some essential tips for using an exercise bike as a beginner down below. 

Tips For Using A Cross Trainer 

Cross trainers can look slightly intimidating if you're not used to using these machines, if you are a beginner we've put together some tips for using this workout machine below. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Exercise Bikes & Cross Trainers 

Are cross trainers more expensive than exercise bikes? 

Cross trainers and exercise bikes are a similar price, both costing anything between £300-£1000 depending on the model that you choose and its features.

Does an exercise bike burn more calories than a cross trainer? 

An exercise bike and cross trainer burn a similar amount of calories, which is on average between 150-300 calories in 30 minutes depending on the resistance that you are using. 

Is 30 minutes on an exercise bike enough time? 

If you are planning to lose weight with an exercise bike, thirty minutes is a great place to start around 5 times a week, as you become fitter you can then increase the duration, consistency is key.

Is a manual exercise bike good for weight loss? 

Manual exercise bikes can be a cheaper alternative to electric exercise bikes and can still be beneficial for weight loss, you will be missing out on features such as timers and displays, but they can help you with your cardio.

Are cross trainers beneficial for burning belly fat? 

Cross trainers provide a full-body workout and are excellent for burning belly fat in combination with a healthy diet.

Home Exercise Bike Or Cross Trainer?

Last Words

Overall, both cross trainers and exercise bikes are a great investment for your health no matter the type of machine you use, allowing you to burn calories, get your heart rate up and work out in all types of weather. 

If you are stuck between choosing an exercise bike or cross trainer then we would suggest choosing a cross trainer if you are looking for a full body workout and an exercise bike for a lower body workout, both will help with weight loss goals, however.

Can I Run 5K On a Cross Trainer? How Long Does It Take?

Aiming to run 5K, whether as an elliptical workout or as a running type of workout is a great milestone for a beginner body workout who is looking to build up their fitness. 

There is no reason as to why you can't aim to exercise a 5K distance on a cross-trainer, how long this will take you depends on your fitness level, but on average with a moderate effort, it will likely take around 20-30 minutes to complete a 5K on your cross-trainer.

We have composed a small guide below that will tell you how long it takes to complete other similar distances on your cross trainer as well as some tips for running on an elliptical machine for the best workout possible. 

If you want to sculpt lean legs, burn calories and increase your stamina, we have a list of the best cross trainers for your home.

How Long Does It Take To Run 10K On a Cross Trainer? 

For someone who is looking to put in a harder effort and run a 10K on their cross trainer this will on average take around entire 30-60 minutes, typically an hour for beginners. The time you finish your 10K in will also depend on if you have any resistance set on your trainer to increase intensity. 

To train for a 10K it will take around eight or ten weeks if you have already started with an intermediate level of fitness. 

How Long Does It Take To Run 1K On a Cross Trainer? 

To run 1km on your cross trainer this should take around 5-6 minutes on average, for a beginner it might take longer than this and for people who are already fit it could take a shorter amount of time around 3-5 minutes. 

How Many Calories Will 5K Burn On a Cross Trainer? 

How many calories you burn on your cross trainer will vary from person to person whether they put a slow effort in, used resistance and their body type. On average, it is likely someone will burn around 250-300 calories on their cross trainer in 30 minutes. 

For 10K you can simply double the calories burned for 5k which would be anywhere between 500-600 calories depending on factors.

However, this depends on these factors below - 

Is Running The Same As Cross-Training? 

If you are a runner who is looking to complete 5K on a cross-trainer then you might be wondering how much these two types of exercise differ from one another. 

Both types of exercises are great for increasing today's effort in terms of cardiovascular strength and can be used for shorter interval workouts such as HIIT, but do differ when it comes to difficulty. 

For example, cross trainers are said to be a lower impact than running as your joints are not hitting the ground, making them great for runners with knee injuries, they are also said to be easier as you do not have to push your body weight forward, the cross trainer helps you.

Cross trainers can help build and strengthen certain muscles for running too such as your hamstrings and quads. 

So overall, although cross-training might feel a little easier than running, it is still great for runners and can help build up endurance, especially if you have had an injury or you are a beginner who is getting back into fitness/running, 10-20 minutes easy effort per day can make a huge difference on a cross-trainer.

Tips For Running a 5K On a Cross Trainer

For people who are looking to maintain running race times or fitness on an elliptical, there are a couple of important tips you should be following to get the most out of your workouts. 

We will mention the most important ones below.

Put In Effort With Resistance Ranging 

So as you can have a realistic run on your cross trainer you want to ensure that you are varying the resistance on the machine, this might mean increasing the resistance to mimic hills or maintaining a moderate resistance throughout your cross-trainer workout so as you can feel like you are running outside on different terrain. 

You want to ensure you are not putting too much resistance or too little resistance.

Aim For 90 RPM

To mimic running on your cross-trainer you want to try and run as close as you can to 90 steps per foot per minute (at the very top end), this might be a little difficult at first while you find the right rhythm but will help you with real-world running technique and strength.

Check The Handles 

As a runner you might accidentally lean your weight onto the handles of your cross trainer, this is not recommended and will affect your calorific burn as well as your posture while exercising, instead lightly hold them and wing them for a total body workout.

Think Time & Effort  

It is unlikely that you will be able to get the same pace and speed as you can running out on the road on a cross-trainer, so it is best to focus on time and effort instead, practising interval workouts for people who want to run 5K and 10K races.

Frequently Asked Questions About Running 5K On a Cross Trainer 

Are cross-trainers easier than running? 

Cross trainers are typically argued to be easier for running than a treadmill or outside as they support your body weight as you run.

What burns more calories for 5K a treadmill or cross trainer? 

Typically a cross-trainer and treadmill burn a very similar amount of calories for a 30-minute workout, both should approximately burn between 240-350 calories depending on factors such as your body weight and effort.

Can I 5K as a beginner on a cross-trainer? 

Yes, 5K is a great goal to aim for as a beginner and should not take too long to train for in combination with strength training and healthy eating for endurance. Doing 10K on your cross trainer is more for advanced fitness types but can be a great goal to aim for once a 5K has been completed.

Final Words

Overall, it should take the average user around 25-30 minutes to complete a whole 5K on their cross trainer, factors such as your fitness level will affect this time however and varying resistance can also make the run more intense. 

If you are trying to replace running outside with running on a treadmill then you should aim for 90 RPM to mimic real-life running and pace. Always vary resistance to get the most out of your cross-training and engage all muscles through the handlebars of the machine too.

If you want to know how fast you should go on a cross trainer, check this article for a detailed explanation.

Can I Use a Cross Trainer Without Power?

When kitting out your home gym, you might be on a budget for choosing certain exercise machines, cross trainers and even treadmill's don't come cheap and neither does the electricity cost. 

You might be wondering if you can operate an electric cross trainer without power in this case, and while manual cheap cross trainers do exist on the market and can be used without power, elliptical trainers that have a motor and belt will always need electricity to function. 

To find out more about whether or not you should buy a cross-trainer without power, how much power one uses and other important features to consider in your cross trainer we have composed a small guide below with everything you need to know. 

Can I Use a Cross Trainer Without Power? 

The average cross trainer on the market works your entire body through a range of resistance in the machine, the electronic cross-resistance happens through the motor and belt on the electronic cross trainer making stride lengths more difficult as you up the resistance in stages. 

Often, technical cross-trainers that are powered with electricity will always need the power to function, you can't use the electronic resistance without the power. 

However, if you do want to cut electricity costs you can use a manual cross trainer instead of an electric one which will give you the same cardio benefits. These types of manual machines might have less resistance levels and be slightly less supportive but are very affordable cross trainers to buy upfront and run in a home gym. 

We have listed the advantages and disadvantages of a manual cross trainer and an electric cross trainer below to help with your decision. 

Manual Cross Trainers 



Electric Cross Trainers 



Do Cross Trainers Use A Lot Of Power? 

If you have decided that an electric cross trainer with magnetic resistance is right for you then you might be wondering just how much power these individual products use if you install one in your home gym. 

Well, the power an electronic cross trainer uses all comes down to the types of resistance you are using on it and the motor power, cross trainer brands will differ in power usage, however.

A cross trainer cost for electricity is still very similar to treadmills and other motorised exercise machines on the market, so we would not say that one machine over the other saves more money.

Although we can't give you a specific amount of electricity your cross-trainers use per hour, it could on average range between 300 and 900 watts per hour. 

The amount of power your cross trainer uses does not just depend on levels of resistance but it depends on other factors too, we have listed them out below. 

Other Considerations For Buying a Cross Trainer 

Not only do you need to consider how much power your cross-trainers brands use, but you additionally should be considering a variety of other essential features in your model so as you can be certain you are buying the best key cross trainer for your home gym. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Cross Trainers Power 

How much do good cross trainer brands models typically cost? 

This depends on the type of cross trainer you choose and its features, but in general, they can cost between £300-£6000 for a more professional gym type trainer.

Is a rear-drive cross trainer better than a front-drive cross trainer? 

Rear-drive cross trainers are generally more preferred than front-drive cross trainers as they have a more natural resistance feel and better-extended stride options on the machine. These mid-range cross trainers are more expensive, however. 

Do manual cross trainers have adjustable resistance? 

Some manual cross trainers will have a manual resistance dial to change the intensity of your workout depending on your fitness level. This resistance will have a more limited range however in comparison to an electric trainer.

How can I save electricity cost with my cross trainer power? 

There is not much you can do to save electricity on your cross trainer, but we have a few suggestions which can help save you some money, for example, turn your machine off at all times when you are not using it and don't run the machine at high speeds unless necessary. 

Also maintain your trainer well so as it can not perform under any unnecessary strain.

Final Words 

To conclude, manual cross trainers do not need the power to function, but electric models with a motor and belt will need to be plugged into an electricity source to function. How much electricity your cross trainer uses all comes down to trainer considerations such as the speed you are operating the machine at and even user weight. 

We would recommend choosing a manual cross trainer if you are looking to save money and don't mind the extra workout, but if you are looking for a great range of resistance levels and motorised support in your machine, an electric cross trainer might be the more suitable pick.

In case you are looking for the best exercise equipment, this article compares the difference between a home exercise bike to a cross trainer. Find out here which equipment is the best for you.

Can A Cross Trainer Help Me Get Slim Thighs - Our Guide!

If you are deciding whether or not to invest in a cross trainer for your fitness goals or maybe you are looking to use a cross trainer with some different workouts, you might be wondering if elliptical workouts could help to slim your thighs? 

Does Cross Trainer Slim Thighs?

Cross trainers/elliptical trainers can be used to slim thighs, but only as a side effect of weight loss, thighs might appear slimmer too due to how leg muscles are used during resistance on these machines as they become toned.

We've put together a short guide below which will discuss how a cross trainer can help you get slimmer thighs if it could make your thighs get bigger if it can tone your lower body and some tips for the best results. 

Can A Cross Trainer Help Me Get Slimmer Thighs? 

As we mentioned above, cross trainers don't directly slim thighs, but your thighs can appear slimmer as a side effect of weight loss if you've managed to lose some weight while working out with a cross trainer.

It's very hard to spot reduce fat, as humans we tend to lose weight all over our bodies and don't have control over where the weight will drop off. You can control muscle building, however, and using resistance on a cross trainer can help your legs to appear slimmer.

Will A Cross Trainer Make Thighs Bigger?

There is a common misconception that cross trainers might make your body muscles in your legs bigger. This is not however true unless you are eating enough protein in order to have muscle growth. 

You might indeed get modest muscle gains in your lower body from working out with resistance but they would not make your thighs bulkier, only more toned.

Does Cross Trainer Slim Thighs?

Will A Cross Trainer Tone My Bum & Legs? 

If you want to tone your bum and legs with a cross-trainer then these are one of the best exercise machines for the job. 

By using interval training with resistance adjustment you can put your glutes and muscles such as hamstrings in your legs to work, helping you to build muscle as they are engaged.

Tips For Using A Cross Trainer To Slim Thighs

If you have a range of fitness goals with your cross trainer and one of them is to slim your thighs and tone your legs/glutes, we've got some excellent tips to implement when working out on one of these machines down below. 

Last Words 

Overall, cross trainers can help to slim your thighs by toning them through resistance or via weight loss, however, it is hard to spot reduce fat from your thighs, so this would be an overall result of weight loss

Does Cross Trainer Slim Thighs?

High-intensity interval training combined with consistency and resistance can help you to see improvements in your muscle growth and weight loss when using a cross trainer, pedaling backwards also helps to engage major muscles in your legs and glutes. 

Are Cross Trainers Calorie Counters Inaccurate?

Whether you are into tracking your fitness journey or you are looking to calculate calorie burn from exercise, having elliptical machines with a calorie counter is important for both. 

The best types of machines cross trainer wise can track your increase in heart rate to see energy expenditure, tell you your speed and distance, as well as personal calories burnt however, this calorie counting system is not accurate and is said to either under or overestimate your calories by 25%-30%. 

We have put together an informative guide below, that will tell you just how inaccurate your cardio machines might be, personal calorie factors that affect overall burn and alternatives you can use to track your progress. 

Are Cross Trainer Calories & Distance Inaccurate? 

Cross trainers calories and distance measurement systems should always be taken with a grain of salt, distance can be argued to be a little more accurate as it is measured by the sensor in the flywheel of your cross trainer, this counts how many revolutions it has turned to show you the total amount of distance that your have travelled.

Calories burned however are based on the average of people and their body type, they don't take into account a whole variety of factors with vary from user to user when it comes to energy expenditure. 

It is said that on a cross-trainer it can overestimate your calories by 42% due to imprecise calorie counters. 

How Many Calories Can Someone Burn On a Cross Trainer?

So you might be wondering just how many calories someone can burn on a cross-trainer, well, on average, cross trainers measure through a kilogram calorie system like other gym machine types, so a 150-pound user who workouts on a cross-trainer will burn 232 calories on a cross-trainer with medium resistance and pace. 

This figure might change if the user workouts at a more vigorous pace or weighs more as they have a role in calorie burn.

Personal Factors Affecting Calorie Burn 

As we mentioned above, the typical exercise machine will have a standard calorie readout that doesn't take into account lots of variable factors such as users weight. 

We have listed out the most important personal factors that can affect how much someone burns on exercise machines such as a cross trainer below to help you out. 

Alternative Ways To Track Calories Burned 

Now we know that calorie counters on cross trainers are not very accurate, it's a good idea to look into some alternative ways to measure your progress that have higher levels of accuracy, we will note the best alternatives below. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Cross Trainers Calorie Counters

How can I burn more calories on a cross-trainer? 

You can burn more calories on a cross-trainer by increasing the speed or intensity of your workout, you can spend more time on the cross-trainer too, this will increase the duration of your exercise and burn more.

If you are having a hard time choosing the best exercise equipment to burn more calories, you can check it here.

What machine factors affect calorie burn? 

Cheaper machines will often have a more inaccurate calorie counter as they are built with cheaper technology, you should also be careful about maintaining the belt of your machine and leaning on to the handlebars of the device.

Are more expensive cross trainers more accurate? 

Yes, more expensive machines will often be fitted with better technology for calorie counting and heart rate monitors on the handlebars, these can increase accuracy. 

Does someone who weigh more burn more calories? 

Someone who weighs more will burn more calories than someone who weighs less performing the same type of exercise. The same goes for someone who has more muscle mass.

Will fitness level affect calorie burn?

Yes, if you have a higher fitness level then you will burn fewer calories than someone who is a beginner as you are used to exercising, it might take more intensity or longer duration for you to burn similar calories as a beginner would.

Final Words 

To conclude, calorie counters on a cross-trainer are not very accurate, this is down to the fact they ignore lots of variables such as the body type and weight of the user, as well as how they are using the machine and even their gender. 

We would recommend using an alternative calorie counter such as a fitness watch to track your progress if you want to monitor your fitness or lose weight by tracking calories, knowing your target heart rate is always a good idea too so as you can know how hard you should be working.

To further understand how cross trainers are helpful in burning calories, you can check it here.

In this post I'm looking into the differences between rowing machines and cross trainers. both of these two are very popular home fitness machines. a rowing machine and cross trainer are both good exercise machines, but each has its own advantages. a rowing machine is suitable for everyone, from beginners to advanced users.

it is suitable for users of different fitness levels. a rowing machine is the best machine to lose weight and to keep fit. a rowing machine can also help to improve your cardiovascular fitness. A rowing machine will also help to strengthen your muscles and bones in your arms, back, and abdominal areas. a rowing machine is suitable for those people who want to lose weight.

Cross trainers are a great addition to any workout routine and can be used for any number of exercises. The more you use your cross trainer the more comfortable you will become with it. However, there are some things that you should look out for.

The amount you row is not the only thing that matters. There is also a technique to ensure you achieve the best results when using a rowing machine.                                                       

The most important thing to remember when rowing is to make sure the handle of your cross trainer is parallel to the floor as your knees come up and then fully extend as you release.

As a rule, cross trainers are better for your joints than rowing machines. Why? Because they encourage your upper body to move in three dimensions, in a manner similar to the way your legs and arms move when you run or walk.

One of the most common injuries with rowing machines is a stress fracture in your lower back. This is because when you row, you have to keep your back ramrod straight, which forces your lower back into a tiny fixed range of motion. That's fine and good if you're looking to build a bodybuilder-like "V" shape in your back. 

If you ask someone which they would rather do – a Cross trainer session or a Rowing session, you are likely to get very different answers based on the person’s own experience.

Each has its advantages and disadvantages, but which is the best workout? There are a number of factors to consider when you are trying to decide which of these 2 workouts is going to be more beneficial to you.

Benefits Of Rowing Machines

The rowing machine is one of the most common pieces of fitness equipment available today. In fact, gyms all across the world often have dozens of them for their members to use, and many people also have them in their homes.

If you want to build muscle, lose weight, or just get in better overall shape, you might want to consider purchasing or renting a rowing machine for yourself to use, as they can provide some great benefits for your health.

Rowing machines are a great piece of home exercise equipment. They are used to promote fitness, muscle building and weight loss. The rowing machine is good for the whole body and can be used in many different ways to achieve different results.

Rowing Machines are actually a great workout. It not only works out your arms, legs and back but it can work out just about your entire body. Rowing can be used for a variety of activities such as rowing races, recreational rowing, and rehabilitation.

The machine provides a total body workout and generally targets the upper and lower body. This type of exercise can also improve your cardiovascular health due to the fact that it involves large muscle groups.

Rowing Machine Cons

If you are a regular user of the rowing machine, then you must have come across a few problems. Rowing machine cons is one of the biggest problems. You must be having a hard time with the rowing machine if you are a beginner.

Rowing is not an easy workout. It requires a lot of endurance and strength as well as stamina. And if you are a beginner, you are bound to have a few problems.

Rowing machines are some of the most popular cardio machines in gyms, and for good reason. Not only are they easy to use, but they also can provide a great workout that includes all of the major muscle groups. However, there are some drawbacks to rowing machines and if you’re considering buying one, it is important that you know what they are.

If you are in the market for a rowing machine, one thing that you will come across is the fact that most people who exercise agree that a rowing machine is one of the best pieces of equipment that you can own. Rowing is a full-body workout that targets multiple muscle groups at one time, making it one of the best exercises for a complete workout. However, there are some people who have complained about the rowing machine, saying it is not for everyone.

Here are the cons of rowing machines that are typically pointed out.

- Not good for low-back pain.

- Requires a large floor space.

- Can cause neck strain.

Ellipticals vs Rowing Machines – Different Benefits

If you’re looking to build muscle, you can purchase an elliptical trainer. They’re known to be effective, and many professional athletes use them. They work the lower body, and some models include upper body arms.

If you’re looking to burn more calories, a rowing machine may be a better choice. Rowing machines are known to be a good full-body workout. You can even combine the two, and get a double workout in the same time.

The elliptical has been the most popular cross trainer in gyms for years. It's a great cardio exercise that targets the major muscle groups in the legs and upper body.

The rowing machine is a full-body exercise that can be challenging for people with back problems. It's well-known for being a very strenuous, full-body exercise that targets the major muscle groups in the legs and upper body.

An elliptical trainer and a rowing machine are both low-impact work out equipment which use the arms and legs to exercise. Although they appear to be very similar, they have many different benefits that make them useful for different people.

If you are a beginner, it is helpful to know that an elliptical trainer is, essentially, a cross-trainer, which is an exercise machine that moves in two dimensions, while a rowing machine is a single-plane movement machine.

The elliptical machine and the rowing machine are two fitness equipment devices that are often confused for each other. They are both great for burning calories and toning up your body. But, their design, function, and impact on your body differ. This article will give you a comparison of the two.

1.The elliptical machine is a cross-training device which works your body through a range of motions. This action is similar to that of a stair climber or a stationary bike.

2. The rowing machine is a great alternative to the elliptical machine. It works more muscles of the body and it is easier on the knees and ankles.  

Rowing Machine Vs Elliptical - For Muscle Gain And Muscle Tone

We all believe that we need to exercise and work out. The more we do it, the better we are. But, what is the best way to work out? A lot of people think that the best way to work out is to go to the gym and do heavy workouts on machines.

But, is that really the truth? Many experts say that it is not the best way to work out. Instead, they say that we should use the best rowing machine for muscle tone and the best elliptical for muscle gain. 

Rowing machines and elliptical machines are one of the best exercises you can do to get great results. But which one is better?

Consider this Elliptical Machine

If you've been looking for an elliptical machine to help you lose weight, you may have noticed that there are many different models out there. This makes buying a new machine a little confusing, and you may be worried you won't get a good one that's worth the money you'll be spending.

By making sure you consider certain factors, you will be better able to choose a machine that's not only right for your budget, but one that's also likely to deliver the results you want.

Cross Trainers VS Spin Bikes - Which Machine Is Better?

Exercise bike machines and elliptical trainers are both a popular option if you are looking for a cardiovascular workout at the gym or home. 

No matter which type of fitness machine you choose each kind will give you a good workout, but the option you choose comes down to preference. For example, a cross-trainer might be argued to be better for people who want to tone their upper body more, while a basic exercise bike is great for the lower body. 

To help you decide which type of exercise machine is right for you, we have compared a spin bike and a cross-trainer below with their pros and cons so as you can see which type of exercise might be more beneficial to you. 

What Is The Difference Between a Spin Bike & Other Exercise Bikes? 

Before we can get on to comparing spin bikes and cross trainers, it's important to understand that a spin bike machine is not your typical stationary bike. 

A spin bike is classed as an exercise bike but does differ in a few ways when compared to recumbent exercise bikes or your standard stationary bike. For example, a spin bike requires more vigorous effort than other stationary bike options as they tend to have a heavier flywheel for exercise. 

Spin bikes are also said to mimic a more natural feel outside and can help your burn more calories than your standard stationary bike. 

Cross Trainer Or Spin Bike For Weight Loss? 

Now we know the difference between spin bikes and other exercise bike brands on the market, let's compare a cross-trainer vs exercise bike for weight loss purposes and see which machine burns fat faster.

Both types of machines will help you burn calories during a session, however, a cross trainer is often argued to be more effective than a stationary bike due to the fact it works your arms as well as your legs, but this all typically comes down to the level of effort that you put in during your workout. 

Cross Trainer VS Spin Bike - Which Is The Winner? 

To see whether or not a stationary bike or a cross trainer is right for you and your home gym, we have compared the two types below with their pros and cons to see which type of machine might be a better option for you. 

Cross Trainers 

Cross trainers come with great variable resistance levels and can work up to 80% of your muscles during a workout, these trainers not only work your lower body like a stationary bike but also your upper due to the ski poles you move back and forth with your arms. 

We also like this dedicated fitness machine for muscle toning as it allows you to pedal backwards if you want to engage even more hamstring and glute muscles, giving total-body effort. Standing upon this machine requires a moderate effort to keep you balanced too, engaging your core. 

Disadvantages of cross-trainers in comparison to exercise bike brands have to be that they often are more expensive on the market, so aren't within everyone's budget for a home gym. These models are often not great for people who struggle with their lower body impact too, and might not be as suitable for cyclists who are looking for a real-life type workout.



Spin Bikes 

Spin bikes on the other hand also come with resistance settings so as you can vary the intensity of your workout and is perfect for people who are looking to replicate outdoor cycling in an indoor environment. For those who struggle with bad back and posture, a spin bike is great too as you are in a sitting position. 

These types of upright bikes are great for people who want a heavy resistance lower body workout thanks to the machine being solely focused on the drive from your legs.

Some downfalls of these bikes are that there can be a risk of saddle friction during long periods of use due to the user being in a sitting position the whole time. They also don't work your arms like a cross-trainer does and aren't as beginner-friendly. 



Final Words

Overall, to conclude, we would recommend opting for a cross trainer if you are a beginner and want to try something different to outdoor cycling which will give you a total body workout thanks to the handles of the trainer too. 

If you want to take cycling indoors however and you are after a lower-body focused workout then an exercise bike might be a better option, these machines are more affordable too, so are great for budget home gyms.

You can always opt for a hybrid exercise bike or a two in one cross trainer if you want to get an exercise bike and trainer all in one device!

If you want to know how fast you should go on a Cross Trainer, you need to first know what you want to achieve by using it. The reason for this is that, depending on your goals, you can adjust your speed to achieve the best results.

For example, if you want to burn fat, you should aim to go at a very slow speed to help you burn more calories per minute. You should also do this for a long duration to ensure that you increase the calories you burn.

Conversely, if you want to build muscle mass, you should aim to go at a much faster speed. This is because the speed at which you move will encourage your body to build more muscle, which is what you want.

The speed you move your arms and legs on an exercise machine (such as a cross trainer) is measured in revolutions per minute (RPM). When you exercise, your heart rate increases, your breathing becomes heavier and you sweat more, all of which are signs that you are working at the right intensity.

However, you shouldn't only rely on your body's physical changes to tell you whether you are working hard enough.

The Cross Trainer is an exercise machine that can be used to increase stamina, tone the muscles, and improve balance and coordination. It is also known as a cross-trainer.  The Cross Trainer is usually composed of a moving arm that resembles a ski lift.

The moving arm is attached to a base that holds the user in place as the arm moves.  The user sits on the base with both feet, and then moves their legs and arms up and down to simulate the action of riding an actual cross trainer.  

A cross trainer usually has a display that measures the number of calories burned, the number of times the arms have moved, and the amount of time the exercise has been performed.

The correct speed for a cross trainer depends on a number of factors, including your fitness level, your goals, and whether or not you know what you're doing.

Those who know what they're doing will typically go faster than those who don't, as they'll be able to manage the intensity more effectively.

As a rule of thumb, the harder you train, the faster you should go. If you're training for a marathon, for example, you'll need to move a lot faster than someone who is just trying to improve their overall fitness.

Does Cross Trainer Improve Running?

It is said that cross trainer improves running, but is it true? A lot of running enthusiasts are against the idea that cross trainers can improve running. While they can, there are several factors that have to be considered.

Working out with a cross trainer is an excellent way to improve your running if you have some body injuries. However, the method of training on a cross trainer might not help you become faster.

Many runners want to know whether or not a cross trainer is good for running. For some people, the answer is yes. Others will find that training with a cross trainer doesn't help them run faster.

That's why you should consider all of the benefits and drawbacks of training with a cross trainer before making a decision.

Let's get one thing straight: cross trainer is NOT a replacement for a good pair of running shoes, but it definitely has a place in a runner's training routine.

Running on a treadmill can help you avoid risks that come with running on the road. You can also run on a treadmill for a much longer duration than you can typically do outdoors, which can make it easier to follow through with your training plan.

The question of running and cross trainer remains open to debate. If you read a lot of running blogs and articles, you will often hear of runners that have had success switching over to the cross trainer. But you will also hear of those who have tried cross trainer and have gotten injured.

Does Cross Trainer Count As Steps?

So you’ve been off the couch and hitting the gym hard for a while now. You’ve set your mind to it and you’re ready to start thinning your waistline.

But is the cross trainer you’re using on your workout regimen really going to get you the results you want?

If you’re serious about your fitness, we’re sure you’ve heard the term “steps” and how important it is to get enough of them every day.

But how many steps do you really need, and how should you be tracking them? Does it matter how many steps you get with your morning run if you take the elevator to go downstairs to your home office? Well, yes and no.

If you want to maximize your health and fitness, then getting as close to 10,000 steps in a day is a great goal to have. But if you’re stuck at a desk all day, you may have to be a little creative to reach that goal.

If you want to get in shape, there are a lot of paths you could take. You could run through the neighborhood until you're gasping for air. You could ride your bike, or swim, or join a gym... but there's also the option of using a cross trainer.

This piece of equipment may not be as popular as running shoes or basketball hoops, but it's still a great way to get fit.

Time and Effort Instead of Distance and Pace

In a recent study, researchers found that the idea of “how far we run matters more to people than how fast we run” is a fallacy. Although runners are able to run faster as they accrue more training mileage, they are not able to run longer distances.

This is because, as the distance of a run increases, the time and effort required increases as well. Eventually, the time and effort required is too much and the runner is unable to continue.

Compared with other sports, running is unique in that it's typically measured by how far and how fast you can run. This can make it tough for runners to know where they stand in the sport, especially when it comes to competition.

For example, consider a runner whose 5K race time is 25 minutes. If the runner runs a 10K in 50 minutes, is that good, bad, or average? While running a 10K in 50 minutes might be considered average, the 5K time is actually better than average.

You don't need a fancy heart rate monitor, a GPS watch, or any other gizmos to accurately track the calories you burn during a workout.

To do it the old-fashioned way, all you need to do is calculate your pace and the distance traveled during a workout, and you can find out exactly how many calories you burned. Anything more complicated than that is more complicated than it needs to be.

We all have a busy modern life, and while many of us are still trying to squeeze in a run during our lunch break, it’s easy to realize that it’s not going to be enough. So, what’s the solution? By focusing on time and effort rather than distance and pace, you can break a sweat whilst you.

Speed and little to no resistance

Endurance training has been a cornerstone of well-rounded fitness programs for many years. Because it’s low impact, it allows those with orthopedic problems to exercise their cardiovascular systems without aggravating those problems. Endurance training exercises your heart and lungs more than any other muscle group in your body.

There are many ways to lose fat and build muscle but there is also a way to gain strength without much resistance. The best way to do this is to use your own body weight as resistance.

The key is to lift as heavy as you can for as many reps as you can. This is where many people make the mistake of adding too much weight or not going to failure.

This is actually one of the best ways to get jacked fast. Start with a few body weight exercises like push ups, squats and dips.

Boost your cross trainer workout

There's no doubt that the cross trainer is a top choice for people looking to burn calories and tone up quickly. It's also a superb all-round workout tool that can be used in combination with other cardio equipment, like treadmills or rowing machines, to help you build up your fitness levels and stamina.

To really make your cross trainer workout effective and to really max out your effort, you need to know what your training zones are and how to adjust your intensity to be able to do that.

So why is it important to know your training zones? Because there are three different training zones depending on your ability and it really effects the effect and efficiency of your cross trainer workout.

There are many ways to boost your cross trainer workout, but did you know that you can burn more calories simply by adjusting the seat height?

In a study done in 2002, researchers used a machine that recorded the energy output of volunteers as they exercised on two different cross trainer exercise machines.

The machine revealed that there is a significant difference in the amount of energy expended when exercising on a cross trainer with a higher or lower seat position. As a result, those who sat higher burned more calories compared to those who sat lower.

Increase the resistance to improve your strength and burn more kilojoules

The key to increasing your strength and burning more kilojoules is to workout harder. You can increase your tension to build muscle or you can increase your resistance to build strength and burn kilojoules.

Endurance and resistance training both burn kilojoules. Tighter muscle fibers burn more kilojoules than looser muscle fibers. This is the reason that a lighter fatuous person will burn more kilojoules than a heavier fatuous person.

To build muscle, you need to either increase the tension or the time under tension. With enough tension, you can achieve both.

You can increase the tension by increasing the weight or the number of repetitions. To increase your strength and burn more kilojoules!

Can I Use a Cross Trainer In Reverse?

Elliptical trainers provide great cardio workouts no matter your fitness level, not only can they have fitness benefits such as weight loss, but they can also tone your body over time by working different muscles. 

Many of us just use a cross-trainer in a forward motion for cardio benefits, however, you can use a cross-trainer backwards to help with strength training on muscles such as your calves or hamstrings, giving you a full-body workout. 

To see how you can use your cross trainer in reverse, which muscles your cross trainer works when using it in reverse and example workout routines that involve both using your trainer forwards and backwards we have composed a short article below with everything you need to know.

How Do You Use a Cross Trainer Backwards? 

Cross-trainers are simple to use in a backward motion but it might feel a little awkward at first to get used to. The easiest way to pedal backwards on your cross trainer is by sitting back the way you would on an exercise bike, this gives you a better balance during your workout routines. 

You can also swing the handles of your cross trainer backwards to engage your core muscles and upper body muscles during a training session, you might feel as if the elliptical training is slow, but as you gain momentum you will start to feel your lower body work more.

Using a cross trainer backwards has a great range of benefits to consider, so we have listed a few below for you to check out. 

If you want more information about which muscles are used when you're on a cross trainer, check it out here.

Muscles Used By a Cross Trainer In Front/Reverse 

As we touched on above, going backwards on your machine during a cross-trainer workout provides an intense workout and is a wonderful muscle toning method to try out to build up strength. 

We have listed out how using your cross trainer in front and reverse works different muscles below during an elliptical trainer workout. 


The leg muscles such as your calves are worked well during a cross-trainer workout, whether you are going in a forwards motion or a reverse motion your machine will engage the calve muscles each time.


As cross trainers can be used for general cardio or a HIIT workout, it engages your heart and lungs and increases blood flow around the body, this is healthy for your cardiovascular strength and can help to build up endurance. 


The abdominal muscles in your body are used for maintaining balance on your trainer as you move with your legs, you can squeeze your abs in for a complete workout and by using your machine in reverse you can force the muscles to work much harder to keep you stable.

Triceps & Chest Muscles 

Moving the handles of your cross trainer is great for upper body toning as it engages your triceps and chest with the forwards and backwards motion via the ski poles used. 

Gluteus Muscles

Hip extension motions during this form of exercise work the glute muscles, to further increase the engagement you can up the incline or resistance function and pedal in reverse to make your glutes further engaged.


Each time you push down on your cross trainer the quadriceps in your body are engaged to help push your body forward, using your trainer in reverse can help to work these muscles, but won't overstretch them, which makes this type of machine an effective exercise for runners with injuries or beginners who are looking for a low impact exercise.


Your hamstrings have a lot of contraction strength during a cross-trainer session due to the flexion and extension of them throughout a trainer exercise. 

To work out your hamstrings even harder you can sit back on the trainer with your weight on your heels and your legs in a right angle shape to work out your hamstrings. You can also try upping the resistance on your machine if it has these options.

A Cross Trainer Full-Body Workout Front & Reverse 

If you want to try out a cross-trainer workout on your machine that involves you using the cardiovascular workout machine in a forwards and a backwards motion, then you can try out this quick 20-minute workout below to get you started. 

Final Words 

To conclude, you can use a cross-trainer backwards for a challenging interval workout to engage your upper body and lower body muscles for a full-body workout. Using your machine in reverse can help tone up your glutes and hamstrings as well as increase fat burn.

To have the best outcome in using cross trainers, check this article and find out how long you should be on a cross trainer to see optimal results.

Cross Home Trainer 

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